Strategy Deployment

Our business strategy is one of the best services to our clients, helping them to successfully scale up in business.

This Service is based on the OGSM methodology using diagnostic tools, stakeholder views and aspirations, and our comprehensive knowledge base and case studies. Typically, we would recommend a five-stage model:

  • Review client capability,
  • Assess competitive forces proposition gaps through market research,
  • Propose growth options, attractiveness and priorities,
  • Develop action planning.
  • The outcome is a professionally developed OGSM strategic plan, with key stakeholder input gathered along the way

The OGSM Strategic Plan is designed to take our client to the next level, incorporating stretching although achievable SMART targets. Our OGSM strategy development process generates capability, commitment and dynamism within client leadership teams, and we take a partnered approach to support this.

We will also train client leadership teams on how to drive effective execution of business OGSM strategy. We make diagnostic and planning tools available through this training.

Strategy Deployment