Business Planning

We will help develop great Business Plans for any organization to attain business and financial goals. Our experts will develop these plans as per the needs of the client’s business & adapted to their industry. The BP will structure clients’ business ideas and cover, in a compelling story, the 10 Big areas:

  • Opportunity: Clearly define the need that the plan will address to attract customers.
  • Solution: A description of the product or service that will fulfil the need.
  • Business Model: Define a unique value proposition and the way to deliver it.
  • Market/Customers: Analyse the Macro and Microenvironments and specify a target audience.
  • Define Competition and Competitive Advantages: Unique Differentiation Points vs Competition.
  • Marketing/Sales: Marketing and Sales strategy will be developed for their product and services.
  • Resources: The Team and what qualifies them to achieve the Business Plan,
  • Operating model: Detailed plan on how each section will contribute to the global goals.
  • Risks: What can go wrong with the plan, and how to mitigate these risks? SWOT analysis.
  • Financial Plan: Study Financial Requirements and prepare a Financial Forecast of the plan.

The plans should be easily understood and should be monitored closely to make sure they will deliver Sustainable Profitable Growth.

Business Planning